Well I realised that the post I thought I had written and published is still sitting on my desktop. The final fair of September was, for me, an unmitigated disaster. It was a vintage and vintage style fair which is generally well attended. The building we were in is a multi-use building housing a cafe, museum, small theatre, drama studio and a tiny cinema. I found myself in a large drama studio on the first floor with several vintage jewellery and accessory sellers, numerous clothing sellers and a couple of vinyl traders. Set up was awkward and to some extend ill thought out; because it was a drama studio, it was largely soundproof which affected everyone's card payment devices because they rely on good data signal (no reliable wi-fi either). Signs on the ground floor were few and far between - and having duplicate traders on the ground floor didn't really help either! Over the day there was, by my count about 30 people come in and look around. Few bough...
The blog for www.bubblyduck.co.uk featuring my personal experiences and challenges of running a small creative craft business plus a few other crafty posts* *All relevant, not necessarily related